From: Rachel Hanson
Sent: Tuesday, 1 September 2020
10:52 AM
To: 'Vicky Schweitzer'
Subject: Araluen listing on Go Wild
Attachments: V2.jpg
Categories: Red Category
Hi Vicky
It was so lovely to chat last night. Sorry I had to run. My parents have been living in one of our villas for the past two months as they sold their house in Templestowe. My Dad has unfortunately been a bit unwell so I wanted them close, just in case something happened and until his health settles down. They will move down to their house down on the peninsula after lockdown. Mum had cooked a roast so I was needed at the dinner table 😊
Thank you so much for highlighting Araluen on your website. We will do the same once our new one is finally finished.
Can I please request a couple of changes?
I have also attached a new image for you.
Stay safe and well and we will chat again soon.
Warmest regards
Rachel Hanson
Property Host & Owner